Jeffrey M. Camarda

Jeffrey is a member of the National Ethics Bureau and has successfully passed their Ethics Check SystemTM. 

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Jeffrey Camarda - a veteran of the investments profession for a quarter century - was never satisfied with what clients got from the status quo of the investment "advisory" business, mostly brokerage accounts and investment products.  It constantly seemed to Jeffrey that the odds were stacked against clients, and that the interest of the firms and their salespeople always came first.  It also seemed that recommendations were more about commissions and product sales than building portfolios that were genuinely designed to serve clients. Watching this as Jeffrey worked as a broker and later a financial planner - while enhancing his expertise through relentless education - Jeffrey concluded that two fundamental changes were needed to truly serve the wealth needs of clients: 1) a fee-based, fully disclosed fiduciary relationship, that is dedicated to putting clients first, and 2) a workable, client-customized, scientific portfolio management system that target good returns but also protected them against bad markets and principal risk.  The result was "Invest in Integrity", Camarda Financial and Jeffrey exclusive ISIS investment process.

1981 - Graduates SUNY, BS/BA Chemistry/Business
1992 - CFP - Certified Financial Planner - certificant status awarded 
1994 - ChFC - Chartered Financial Consultant - charter granted
1995 - CLU - Chartered life Underwriter - charter granted
2000 - CFA - Chartered Financial Analyst - charter granted
2001 - CFS - Certified Fund Specialist - designation awarded
2001 - BCM - Board Certified Mutual Funds - designation awarded

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